Sunday, March 27, 2011

Is it Spring yet???

     Not so you'd know it!! This week we have had 70 degree days, rain, hail, snow AND tornadoes. Ah, Springtime in Iowa! My calendar and to-do list is filling up with deadlines looming!
      This morning I was on a local TV station. The interview was filmed a couple of weeks ago in my studio. Every week the CBS station visits a local atist in their studio. I think that's a great way to shine a spotlight on the artist/hermit part of the population!!I didn't get up at 7 to watch it but I did tape it. I don't know who that person wearing my clothes was but she doesn't look or sound anything like me!!I hate seing myself on TV!!!
     But sometime this year you can all see me and my studio in print as my studio will be featured in Studios magazine. Probably the Fall issue but I'll keep you posted.
     If you're anywhere near central Iowa and you want to see my studio in person, I have two classes scheduled animal menagerie class is scheduled for April 16th. These are really fun little characters! You can make a lot of different animals with this technique; rabbits, bears, mice, cats, dogs, foxes etc.
A Make-a-Doll Day is planned for May 7. You pick any of my patterns and I'll help you with problems or questions.Classes are such ways to hang out with other creative people. More information is on my web site.
     My husband has meeting in Rochester NY June 21-25th. I'll be going with him and am available for teaching while I'm in the area. E-mail me if you are interested in putting a class together .
     I'm getting ready for THREE featured artist shows this summer. Two of these are with my Found Object pieces. I've got a lot to do before June, but that's the way I like it!!! Two months of taking it easy recovering from back surgery has had me climbing the walls!! Bring on the work!!
Happy Spring, I hope it's coming your way soon.

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